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 Ditch the Diet Nutrition was created to help others achieve their nutrition goals, gain confidence, improve health, and break free from diet culture using science-based nutrition coaching. I believe that improving health needs a holistic approach. Coaching will focus on three main pillars;

Nourishment, Movement, and Wellness.



My Story

As an ex-serial dieter, I have had my fair share of failed diets. The dieting started in my early teenage years and followed me into college. I finally had enough and was interested in how I could improve my health and nutrition. This led me to switch my major to Nutrition and Dietetics and I have been working as a clinical Registered Dietitian Nutritionist since 2019. 

Passionate about intuitive eating and overall wellness, I decided to start a new journey-Ditch the Diet Nutrition.

I was able to mend my relationship with food and love the skin that I am in! Want to ditch the diet too?

Join me in learning how to create a better nourishing diet free life!

Chocolate chip cookie - white blackgroun


Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Individualized Nutrition

(weight gain or loss)

Intuitive eating/Mindful eating

Health Conditions

(Diabetes, Heart Failure, etc.)

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